When you first start learning japanese, you most likely start out with romaji. romaji is using an alphabet you already know to write and read japanese. and when you get started out, romaji is great!. Download the mp3 here [3:17 minutes; 3mb] first, what is romaji? romaji is the representation of japanese sounds using the western, 26-letter alphabet. what’s it for?. Learn japanese (romaji) through games & activities - enhance your vocabulary by thousands of words classified carefully into the following topics & themes..

Japanese body parts words and vocabulary

Katakana chart related keywords & suggestions - katakana

Japanese short useful words! - basic japanese #5 - yuu
Pimsleur is a good way to learn the basics of spoken japanese without writing, though it is expensive. elanor jorden's japanese: the spoken language uses romaji.. I often get questions about how to start studying japanese, avoid romaji. learn hiragana and katakana (the japanese alphabets) as fast as possible.. Learn how to say the time in japanese. you'll learn the hours, learn japanese time. japanese minute romaji:.