Yoshi! i’m gonna do this! i’m gonna learn japanese! then you start researching a bit. you start learning about hiragana, and katakana, and kanji, and weird-o grammar, and pitch accents.. To really learn and understand all of the nuances of the language, you will need time, a great japanese teacher, and consistent practice with other japanese speakers. reaping the benefits learning a new language like japanese requires practice and perseverance, but the benefits are well worth it!. How to learn japanese. in this article: article summary the basics guided instruction immersing yourself community q&a 5 references konnichiwa (こんにちは)! japanese is a great language to learn, whether you plan to use it to conduct business, absorb your favorite japanese media, such as manga, or to talk to a friend in japanese..

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Fluency. written japanese takes even longer to learn. people who study these things have said that it takes 3 times as long for english-speakers to learn japanese than it does to learn a european language because the grammar and writing systems are so different. in my long experience of learning japanese and living in japan i believe this is true.. How long should it take to learn japanese? what should i do? november 13, 2008 by admin . i speak english and was required to take two years of spanish (which i took reluctantly) and can speak a little of that, but i was never really interested.. To learn to speak japanese, start by watching japanese movies to give you an idea of how the language sounds and how words are pronounced. next, learn some basics like simple conversational phrases and how to write the numbers 1 through 10..