Hi everyone, this is a video explaining the basics of chapter 2. in this video, i have used romaji mostly so that people who are still learning the japanese. Check out the next lesson here : learn minna no nihongo lesson 3 or see other similar lesson in category : learn japanese for beginer or learn japanese with minna no nihongo. we hope with the instruction in this post, you will find that learning japanese is not so difficult and you can learn japanese by yourself.. The videos to the minna no nihongo lessons - like they are used in japanese language schools....the videos showing real life skits ( like found in the textbooks ) to get used to to sound of the language and sentence patterns & expressions.....there are 50 lessons in minna no nihongo book.you can use text book for reading script when watch these video..

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The best 2 japanese textbooks for intermediate level
Minna no nihongo i first 25 lesson's vocabulary of the minna no nihongo books (with audio), short sentences have been mostly excluded. kanji reading lessons are optional and marked with ⇄.. Minna no nihongo ii (all lessons 26-50) all vocabulary (and a lot of grammar) from minna no nihongo ii book、lessons 26-50. (there may be a few other random words thrown in from my japanese class.... The first textbook i picked up was minna no nihongo. back then i had no idea what i was doing and just picked up the most common suggestion i could find. ordered it conveniently at amazon and when it arrived the next day in my mailbox it was a big surprise: the whole darn thing was written in japanese..