These are the best five free apps that you can download right now to help you learn japanese, regardless of your current level: 1. japanese dictionary app imiwa. the. best. free. mobile. dictionary. ever. download this app to save yourself the $100+ your teacher wanted you to waste on an outdated electronic dictionary.. I previously had an app for conjugating japanese verbs on my iphone but it seems to have disappeared under my nose. it was so useful and easy to use. you scroll on one side to select the verb and then scroll on the other side for the various conjugations of the verb. it was a free app but i don’t see it in the app store anymore.. Learning to read japanese is no picnic.. in fact, some would argue that it’s the world’s toughest writing system to learn. it even beats out mandarin chinese, due to kanji mixing and matching with kana. but, hey — we’re modern kids armed with awesome iphone apps..

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16 best apps for learning japanese like a boss (free) app store. learn japanese by mindsnacks is an app that focuses mostly on building vocabulary, and is great for adults and children alike. the application provides over 800 words and phrases to study, and supports kana,. Also, check out the free wordpower lite for ios and the free wordpower lite for android - learn 200+ words, get the japanese word of the day and access free lessons at you can also get a free trial of wordpower japanese for windows 8 from the windows store.. A cool free app that you guys can use to talk to native speakers of japanese (and other languages!) a cool free app that you guys can use to talk to native speakers of japanese (and other.