I'm torn between 2 languages, japanese and korean, and i would love some input from learners of both. i want to learn both of them eventually, but i can't decide which first, or which will give me a better basis for the other, or even if i can (or should) learn them at the same time.. As far as learning spoken japanese and korean, either are quite difficult. one again though, i would have to err on the side of korean as being easier to pick up how to speak. if you can read well, then get the hang of grammar faster in texts and therefore pick up listening faster.. If you are already familiar with japanese or korean, it’s not a bad idea to at least try learning the other. get started by chatting with lanny from eggbun to learn korean and japanese. ‘chat.

Bibimbap recipe from inspiralized | steamy kitchen

U.s. bombers, fighter jets carry out live bombing drill

How to learn japanese for absolute beginners - a complete
Why the korean alphabet is easy to learn. the first step in learning the korean language is becoming familiar with the korean alphabet, as it’s likely considerably different from the other languages you’re familiar with.. They say that when you are learning japanese, you can learn a new word, and native speakers will be able to understand you the first time you say it, even if your accent isn’t perfect. but in korean, you will learn a word, and then when you say it to a native speaker, they won’t understand you..