Watch anime, learn japanese! using animelon, you can go and watch your favourite anime shows and anime music videos while at the same time we teach you japanese, start now and click one of the shows on animelon below to start.. Have you ever wished you could watch anime without subtitles?. have you daydreamed about being able to understand the nuances of every line of dialogue?. given thought to learning japanese from anime?. wait, what? you can’t learn japanese from anime! everyone says that the language used is different than normal—too informal and too childish, perhaps, or too made-up and imaginative.. Watch japanese anime! “the path to fluent japanese is a self-defined one,” says adam from japanese level up. “if you love anime, not using it to learn japanese makes absolutely no sense.” fluentu, an online language immersion program, also recommends anime for japanese language students..

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Start from the basics and build your japanese grammatical foundation from the ground up. increase your japanese listening comprehension and understanding through anime dialogues. study for jlpt n1-n5. learn japanese through anime. alternative way to learn japanese. anime transcript in japanese and english for studying.. I think it's one of the best way to learn japanese, although they use slang in the animes but still speaking easier language than in the live action series. when i watch anime, i always find myself talking more and more japanese.