The best way to learn japanese is to find some good audio lessons, a good textbook, a good dictionary, and some good video material. japanese audio flashcard lessons based on the active recall learning method. What’s the best way to learn japanese? after pouring years, beers, and tears into the question (pretty much in that order), i finally have an answer. the pimsleur audio-only course, i, ii, and iii. pretty good for an introduction into the language. although i no longer believe in the myth of a “best” method for learning japanese. You can use japanesepod101 to shape your own course and work out which is the best way for you to learn. audio files, course playlists and written articles on every language topic imaginable. the best way to learn japanese with real-world videos. experience japanese immersion online! 19 fun and bizarre japanese idioms to try on for size..

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Japanese audio lessons will help you to learn japanese efficiently. after completing my third round of japanese audio lessons, i needed to find another course that would allow me to continue to learn japanese. not finding anything suitable, i started working on my own interactive japanese audio lessons with the help of my wife noriko, who is a. I even had a japanese girlfriend and she was no help..although she was moody lol! totally agree about stop reading about the best way to learn japanese and just focus on studying. i wasted so much time myself reading about “the best way” to learn japanese, although it is flipping addictive though!. Once you begin learning vocabulary in wanikani (or your own system) read the basic japanese pronunciation guide from the pronouncing vocabulary section all the way through to the end. you will learn about long and short vowel sounds, double consonants, dropping sounds (all common stumbling blocks for beginners), and more..