Everything you need to go from 1-language loser to samurai lord of doom: learn hundreds of japanese words in weeks. memorize 2,136 kanji in 97 days. utilize scientifically backed language-learning tools. stop wishing you could speak japanese.. After consistent learning, i've managed to reach a solid intermediate level of japanese in around a year and i want share how i learned japanese in one year and my tips for you.. Daily conversation is absolutely doable but if you want to a deeper discussion in japanese in one year's time,that may be a stretch. my korean friend learns how to speak fluent japanese in 2 1/2 years, but because korean and japanese are quite similar in structure/grammar, he has a bit of an advantage..

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A year is not as long as you think with a language like japanese. you likely won't be 'fluent', however, you will be on your way to being able to communicate using this language. don't shy away from reading the kanji - even in the early stages.. I have learned japanese on and off again with anki for 3 or 4 years after being fluent enough (could read books and understand almost everything spoken in tv shows) in chinese, and i think it’s funny when people tell me you can “learn a language to fluency” in 6 months or 1 year.. Hi niko. just want to let you know that your site by far is the best place to go for advanced learners that i've seen so far in my 10 years of studying japanese. i have tons of respect for your work, honesty and seemingly endless enthusiasm - keep up the good work! david l..