Katakana is the counterpart to hiragana, and is a phonetic alphabet used mostly for writing non-japanese words.many language's words, including english, can be written phonetically using katakana. using hiragana to express these words is not correct, as hiragana should only be used for japanese words.. Learn japanese, learn korean and learn chinese with lingodeer. easy, fun and effective! rated 4.9/5 by 3m+ people. learn japanese, learn korean and learn chinese with lingodeer. easy, fun and effective!. You choosed the best way to learn any language in the world ! because we provide you with the easiest and quickest course for any language you want to learn through english ..

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Review of rocket japanese i assume you’re reading this because you’re interested in learning japanese and you’re looking for a reputable online source to do just that.. Free japanese lessons brought to you by a foreign languages student. japanese language, art, living, etc.. Mnemonic methods for learning japanese all the fastest ways to learn japanese in one place take a look at the rest of the series articles or take a look at our most recent articles.