16 best apps for learning japanese like a boss learn japanese contains over 800 popular words and phrases aimed at beginner learners. the application is grouped into sections like greetings, eating and romance. learn japanese by mindsnacks is an app that focuses mostly on building vocabulary, and is great for adults and children alike.. This app assumes you are just starting to learn japanese. it will teach you slowly, which is good, as you can get overwhelmed with kanji very quickly. the quizzes are short, so you feel you ae making progress, which keeps you motivated.. Learn 8 great free apps for studying japanese. my smartphone, already a third limb, has become my pocket sensei. so this may not be a japanese-specific app, duolingo is great for beginners but less great for intermediate learners. same with memrise and other similar apps. i like that this list is for people of all levels..

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A useful japanese-learning tool helps you to learn kana, the vocabulary of jlpt and the expressing methods of number, date and time. 〞kana test』 you can learn the spell of kana by the audio tests. 〞jlpt vocabulary and test』 you can learn the vocabulary anywhere and anytime by the off-line jlpt vocabulary list, test, stroke and example sentences.. Learn japanese is a simple app for anyone who wishes to learn japanese fast and easy. it is perfect for beginners and advanced users. recommended for those who wish to travel to japan.. Thejapanesepage.com is a great place to start to learn about japanese culture as well as beginner language skills. it can give you a feel for really learning the language before you decide to commit yourself to a paid service..